Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm at work today and on my lunch break so I thought this was probably my best bet to give a blog update. So sorry, no pictures today.

We are getting ready to leave on Saturday morning for FL so we have been busy this week getting the house, car, bags, etc. ready. I'm in a Spring cleaning mode right now, so I seem to be creating a lot more work for myself this week.

In the past we have always been up late the night before getting everything ready and I'm determined not to do that this time (especially since we will be hitting the road at 4 am). I haven't been to bed before 12:30 a this entire week, but I'd rather be up late on the front end than on the back end. Friday night is going to be an early night for us (that's my goal anyway). I'm thankful for coffee. :)

All of you girls have been on my heart this past couple of weeks. God has been reminding me of how much each of you have been a blessing to me, and I am so thankful for each of you even though I don't always tell you (or even make the time to text or call you!!!). After vacation I am really going to try to make a conscious effort to be a better friend. God has really been showing me how little I invest in others outside of my husband and boys. I'm trying to be a little more in tune with what is going on with others. Maybe it is due to the renewal of the season, or a recent death in the family (my brother-in-law's brother died unexpectedly) that has prompted this...probably a little bith of both.

I'm managing to reach my goal of updatig my blog more regularly, so hopefully I will be able to be able to be a better friend too. :)

Love you girls, and I hope you know it!!!!

1 comment:

notes of em said...

Sweet Jill, we know that you love all of "us" and we know exactly where you are in life, because we are right there with you.
Its hard to have the energy once you've given to your spouse, children, job, and house.
Know that we love you. I hope your trip is fantastic!